DMCC 3. Services Power System Studies
Contingency Analysis and System Stability
Power System Studies are the core competence of our business. For more than decades we have been employing only one software suite developed by DIgSILENT GmbH (Germany) in all our system studies. The history of partner and professional relationship with the software developer together with in-depth knowledge and years of experience in unique PowerFactory software allow DMCC to perform wide range of system studies in time efficient manner.
The idea of DMCC consulting business is mainly based on our achievements and “know how” in power system studies.
Our power system studies are building blocks for developing consultancy service. For example, our consultancy service in renewable integration (grid connection) includes Load flow and Contingency Analysis (N-1, N-2), Short Circuit Calculations, Protection Coordination, Energy Losses, Power Quality (Harmonics & flicker), LVRT (FRT), Interaction and Voltage Control Studies.

DMCC offers power system studies to the end-users, including TSOs, DSOs, renewables developers and industry plants.
Our services in the area of system studies are also in demand in the market of the international consulting. We work for global engineering consultancy companies as the subcontractor for power system study part (or even for very specialized studies) of huge consultancy projects with multimillion budgets financed by IFIs.
DMCC offers the following Power System Studies:
- Load flow and Contingency Analysis (N-1, N-2).
- Short Circuit.
- Equipment Selection.
- Voltage Stability.
- Small Signal Stability.
- Transient Stability.
- Steady State Stability.
- Long Term Stability.
- Frequency Stability.
- Protection Coordination.
- Overvoltage Study.
- Energy Losses.
- Power Quality (Harmonics & flicker).
- Power Oscillation Damping.
- Interaction Study.
- Voltage Control Study.
- Optimization of Distribution Network.
- Simulation of Asynchronous Modes.
- Assessment of interface transfer capacity.